Author: ericupsidebrown
Communication is more than words
Verbal communication is just one aspect of human communication. Paraverbal, nonverbal and extraverbal communication channels are central to interpersonal interaction. What cannot be communicated through words alone can be readily understood when supported by paraverbal (or...
MovieTalk for Comprehensible Input
Movie Talk is a term that refers to using video as a opportunity for the teacher to provide comprehensible input. The input does not come from the movie itself, but from the teacher’s commentary....
Concept Mapping in ESL
If anyone has followed my thoughts on teaching English as a second language, they know that I believe that teaching with written materials, especially in the early stages of learning, is detrimental to the...
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
How important is grammar? Here’s a famous sentence that is completely correct grammatically, but that makes absolutely no sense. It illustrates in a very simple way how grammar is not nearly as important as...
Writing Interferes with Learning
If you go into any traditional English however, you see the teacher writing out sentences on their whiteboards, referring students to textbooks and giving them written handouts and written assignments. You’ll see the students...
What’s the difference between entrance and entry?
If you are looking a these words as nouns, they essentially mean the same thing. The difference is that an entrance tends to imply something physical, like a door, gate or archway. An entry is...
Word of the Day: Eggs
Here’s a little idea that I’m working on: A video dictionary. What do you think of the idea?
How Many Words Are Needed to Understand English?
According to the authors of the New General Service List, you don’t need to know a lot of words to understand English. In conversation, we tends to use a very small set of words....