Category: Uncategorized

Sounds have no meaning

It’s interesting to read something like this. There are no languages where sounds have consistent meanings from word to word. This generalization is what Charles Hockett (“The origin of speech”, Scientific American, 203: 88-96, 1960)...

English as a Rock Star

English is a language that many people aspire to learn. Because it’s a lingua franca (universal language) people think that it’s special. But it’s far from being refined or sophisticated. All its complexity has...

Are Deaf Readers Bilingual?

My brother and his wife are sign language interpreters speaking American Sign Language (ASL). ASL is its own language with syntax and grammar and the signs are not merely replacements for English words. The...

Evolution of the Alphabet – Free Download

How did the letters of the English Alphabet come to be? Download this Evolution of the Alphabet chart for free: Source: And while you’re at it, check out this video on the history...

The Value of Immersion

There’s no doubt about it, language immersion is effective in learning a second language. It is used extensively in the school systems in Canada and has been quite successful. What makes immersion in school...

Communication is more than words

Verbal communication is just one aspect of human communication. Paraverbal, nonverbal and extraverbal communication channels are central to interpersonal interaction. What cannot be communicated through words alone can be readily understood when supported by paraverbal (or...